Saturday, May 29, 2004

Little Big Plans

We wanted to go out of town for the weekend, but we decided to stay in instead. Chris is with his Dad this weekend, so we're on our own. I thought I'd turn the house a little bit more "hotelish" for us. I went out and got some fresh flowers, candles and wine. We had a very romantic dinner last night. Tried out some Yellow Tail Chardonnay. It was OK. I don't think it's worth getting again, but it hasn't turned me off to Chardonnay yet. We've got some more Aussie wine to try out tonight.

Dennis took me to see Shreck 2. It was pretty cute - very silly. I want to check out The Day After Tomorrow as well.

Our plan for today is to go to the Soulard Farmers Market with the cooler this morning, then head over to Belleville to pick our own strawberries. :-D

Friday, May 21, 2004

Very nice evening last night!

The picnic worked out wonderfully. I grabbed a new basket, a citronella candle, a pre-made turkey club sandwich on wheat, some bottled water, some grape tomatoes, some yummy crackers, and some nectarines at the store. I took along our goat cheese, cranberry curd, a white wine, and the chocolate chip cookies.

We went to Sandy Creek Covered Bridge and ate - everything! Then I walked up and down the creek a little. Should have gotten Dennis to wear his slip-on shoes so he'd come in with me. The baby bluegill were picking at my toes :-D

(The wine made me giddy followed by sleepy!)

It was so nice to get out and just spend time with Dennis and not worry about anything at all. Something to do more often for sure!

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Pic-i-nic-i-nic in the park

I want to take a romantic picnic in the park this evening. We're celebrating the two year anniversary of something this month. It isn't when we met, when we started dating, when we fell in love, or when we moved in together. It's just some random time between meeting and dating when our contact started to increase beyond "some person I see at various events around town from time to time."

I'm taking some goat cheese - we have that already, I'm going to go make some chocolate covered strawberries in a few minutes. I don't know what else to take, but I'll settle on something as I stroll through the grocery store after a bit. Always dangerous to do with the debit card in hand :)

I'm tired. It's been a hard week at work. I can't even count the number of tiny things I've been criticized for, and I was in the office by myself all day Monday. Of course accepting criticism is not one of my strong points as it is, but come on already! It just wears you out after a while, to have everything picked over like that.